Health & Medicine

Who are we without our memories?

Do you ever stop to think about what your life would be like if you woke up one day and had no memories + no visions for the future? If you woke up and were completely blank, with pure emptiness in your mind?

We would freak out. Or would we? Actually we wouldn’t. Why? Bc we wouldn’t even know that we had had memories to begin with. The only one thing we would freak out about was the feeling of being hungry and not knowing what it meant.

We would have nothing else to freak out about, because we had forgotten whatever known to us.

So it turns out memory is an exquisite illusion that shapes our sense of self. Without it we would just be like an animal, or not that even, cause animals do have memories.

If we could not remember past events - we could not learn or develop language, relationships, or personal identity.

Meaning language, how to get food all gone.

Memory is vital to experiences, it is the retention of information over time for the purpose of influencing future action..

We would be nothing with out it. Just pure flesh and bones, just molecules and atoms.

So.. take cafe of your brain, eat brain food, like walnuts, blueberrys etc and in general just take care of your health if you want to keep them.

Dementia keeps getting a sever problem amongst the elder… And it would be nice not to catch that.

Just.. take care of yourself.

Mental is Physical

I believe that mental issues has “physical” origins. Either from hormones, inflamations or other things we yet havent figured how to document. And this new evidence show just that. Schizophrenia in the blood, and other studies shows it happens in the stomach which then leaks out in the blood and goes straight to the brain to mess around. So..

Want To Live Longer?

I do. No doubt.
Not only that but I'd like to grow old respectfully of my soul staying healthy, not attacked by this horrifying disease called aging. At least me and several researchers name aging an illness. I truly believe we all will, in I guess about 20 years .

I've been writing posts on this topic previously. If your interested in learning more about my thoughts and findings, here you go: "Lets Put An End To Aging Together"

But before you scroll further down, watch the video below about how we potentially can extend our lives.

Your Brain Still Works After Death

Should we reconsider how we define death? Are we really dead the moment our heart stop functioning? 

Apparently after one is declared dead the brain is continuing to work 10 minutes afterwards, and the memory center is the last part of the body to give in to death(after). In this period everyone has different neurons firing off in this part of the brain. Meaning everyone has a unique experience in this periode. Do we watch our life in review in those minutes? Or what really happens?
Not only that but our genes continue to work until 2 days after death and they are highly active.
Is it ethical to pronounce people dead when some parts of their body are still working?
And what does this mean for those whose organs are donated immediately after death?

When are we dead? What do you think?

Healthy Stress, You Say?


We all know by now I guess (hopefully you do) how damaging stress it to both your brain and you body. There is no worse "disease trigger" actually, well, except aging of course. It breaks your neurons down and shut don your immune and internal organ system and it has your cells age faster and even kill them. You can read more about that here.

For about 9 years now I've been allergic to stress. One day, I decided, I can not do this anymore. «This tears my body down too much in such a young age, how will this affect me in the long run? With this lifestyle I wont survive until I'm 100 (or longer which is my wish).» I just couldn't accept that kind of future and I couldn't bare with the present state of mind and physical body. I was so stressed out that I simply couldn't cope with life. I was completely handicapped. So I decided, stress is way too dangerous to keep carrying in my body and it will destroy me if I do. Most likely get me killed. And, I, I wont let it.
And from that day on, I took control. I became the captain of my mind, the editor or author if you wish(to give a visual image). I claimed full control and the CEO position of my mind, really. Of course it took sometime to change and develop new habits and thinking patterns to stop avoiding my body creating that poison and pumping it out through my veins. But in a few months I managed and it haven't entered since. If I can feel tendencies to it, something in my environment or mind is on the wrong track and I study everything in detail to figure it out. Most times it's an obvious cause, so I kinda know quite easily what it might be because both my gut and intuition has a good overview at this point. What I do then is the following, I take action to have it go away as quickly as possible and start questioning myself and observe my daily habits, body language, eating pattern. Am I exercising enough? Am I eating too much sugary foods? Is it work? Or a situation at work? Or is it personal? A new friend? Or lover? Sleeping enough? Have I've been seeing grateful and inspiring people lately? Had any meaningful conversations or have I been mostly alone the past days and weeks? What is really on my mind? I'm studying every thought passing by, if there is some negativity in there that causes it, its time to switch that up with a positive one. Whats the gift in this negative though or the cause of the negative thought? Whats the instructions it gives me? Why is it there in the first place? Whats the opposite thought of this, what really is the positive in this thing? You can always, always find a reason of why this thought or event is a gift. I assure you. And mostly it is the guidance towards a better you who is the answer, but you'll always find what it concerns if you just give it some thoughts. But, I mean, nervousness before you enter a stage to do some public speaking, or do a presentation, or before a date or such things to me that is not considered stress. Thats just actually a healthy adrenaline shot that makes you more alert and focused, really. Or, at sometimes it can also blank you out, like it did with me the other day when I had the presentation on stage in front of 250. Haha. So, nervousness is just good, it doesn't last for too long either. Of course, if you're constantly trembling of nervousness thats not too beneficial for the neither the brain nor the body.

So, No entry in this body, stress. Has always been my policy. Until lately. Ive been thinking is all kinds of stress really bad? It's been a question in the back of my mind for a few weeks now. But haven't given it much thought really, hasn't even occured to me to google it. But, all of a sudden, I click play on the most recent podcast episode by Shawn Stevenson at the Model Health show, and guess what. Here's the title to have you understand: 

Stress Activated Foods, Intermittent Fasting, & The Principles Of Stress - With Ori Hofmekler

Wtf, right there, on a silverspoon delivered straight into my mouth I got some answers to the question. Thanks universe!

"Stress can be ruthless. It’s a silent assassin that can break down your brain, screw up your internal organs, and pack fat onto your body. But… That’s only one face of stress. Stress can also be invigorating. It’s capable of making you more physically fit, biologically stronger, and literally keep your brain decades younger. So, how in the world can it be so good, yet so treacherous at the same time? Today we’re going to dissect the value of stress to maximize the benefits, and minimize the potential downfalls."

So it got me thinking, have I been missing out on something? Hm.. The right kind of stress is magically enough beneficial. I wish it was called something else though as I see stress as a relativily negative word. Excitement. Yeah, thats better. Not healthy stress but excitement. I am and always shall be excited to be alive.

What do you think about the concept of healthy stress? Is it really beneficial? Would you name it something else?

**Note; I might at some point write an in depth analytical post about this topic do not know when though so do not keep your expectations for that on default. **

Week In Review - 4th of February

Them weeks passes by quickly these days without sunshine and constant mix of snow and heavy rain everyday. Today its sunny for the first time in weeks. Nothing feels better to me than having the sun licking my face. It makes me feel more alive than ever.

Lets go through this week: Altered Carbon, Human Ubers, facebook is banning cryptocurrency ads etc..

Starting with The One and Only Altered Carbon, Netflix most expensive TV series this far launched 2nd of February, I've been waiting for months. It's a sci-fi ten episode 1 hour crime series. Too me it isn't even sci-fi, because this is technology soon to exist in our worlds too. Not different from other futuristic movies, it's got a negative view point on where we are heading. Altered carbon is illustrating worst case scenario where the richest are immortal and in control of basically everything. And they are bored. The plot is no other than solving a murder. Finding the murderer who killed the person in his previous sleeve as they call it. Sleeve meaning body. Consciousness is backed up and secure but the body can die usual deaths so if one die a new clone is made or another persons sleeve is to be used. I watched all the episodes in two days. Traditionally I've never been into sci-fi. But this sci-fi is not really Fiction, this is just science. Which I love. Wanna se the trailer? Click here

Coco was also released this week, as I'm a Disney lover, that was kinda exciting news. So had to share it and add it, incase you were to...


World Economic Forums Davos event also wrapped up this week. You can read about the key takeways here


As, Usual, Futurisms Weekly Video Wrap up of This Week in Science is added:


COSMOS.. This is fascinating.. The video below shows us the most detailed simulation of the cosmos up to ever made. 


Two Women will undergo three parent baby therapy in the UK. Regulators in the United Kingdom have this week given doctors green light to perform mitochondrial donation therapy. Hmm this is super exciting and weird. What do you think? Read more about it here

How it Works:

I'm waiting and waiting for the day that when we no longer have to do surgery, not even touch the body when something happens if something happens you simply just swallow a small pill or drink a liquid and then it makes the wound go away just by sending in nano boots or intelligent stem cells or something. Or just radiating particles from outside of the body. And now it seems like we are on our way to get there.
Researchers just invented a tiny "minimalist robot" that looks like a caterpillar and can perform a wide range of movements, including jumping, crawling through tunnels, and climbing out of a pool. It is designed to deliver drugs to specific targets in the human body.

This robot should one day allow it to patrol the human body from the inside, according to researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, who describe their work in a Nature paper. Below you can watch a short video on the concept. 
Read about it here


Canada is trialing blockchain! 
Canada announced that it will trial the use of blockchain to add transparency to government funding and research grants. Other countries are onto it as well.
This means that every time the NRC creates or alters a grant, that information is added to the blockchain, which will be connected to a publicly accessible online database. TRANSPARANCY! YES. YES!

For Video of Future of Blockchain Click here


Check out this awesome renewable energy ship.
Eco Marine Power has announced plans to test their patented solar sails next year. These EnergySails would utilize solar and wind energy simultaneously. 
Lets upgrade all boats to this solution, ASAP! It runs on both wind and solar energy. Whop whop!



I just managed to put down into words my definition of a good life this week. It is basically ;

"My definition of a good life is a life without any physical pain"

I am so grateful. SO grateful for having a well functioning body without feeling physical pain on a constant basis. Only if I'm eating stuff my body can't handle I'm filled with pain but that is usually my own choice. So THANK YOU! I am so grateful everyday for waking ut painless. And this is a life I wish for everyone. Hopefully we will get there someday.  Bliss, happiness and contentment definitely comes from within anyways but life without bodily pain sure is a golden ticket!!

Checked out a new Cocktail bar in Oslo this week. "Bar ISM". They have a photobooth. We took a lot of fliiiicks. Caroline Sandermoen is on my right. I'll tell you more about what shes up to these days someother time. 

My Chaga Adventure Just Got Started


So here I am, sipping on my Chaga Tea, which I carefully prepared for like 50 minutes.. (yeh, i know it sounds like a hassel but it’s actually ok when you get into it) Chaga has been in the back of my mind for 10 years but from this day and everyday I'm gonna manifest my thoughts. Let get on with the habit of drinking a cup of chaga every singel day(mostly)
Not sure what took me so long but better late than never, no?
It's not too bad really. To be honest after my opinion it tastes rather good( but lets mention that I’m used to eating healthy things with a taste of bitterness. It's sort of the same flavour and texture like espresso. It feels and looks the same too when drinking it allthough its way more beneficial.

The reason why I finally give into this habit is because Tim Ferriss says it lights you up like a Christmas tree and Shawn Stevenson from the Model Health Show never goes a day without it. According to all health gurus Chaga is the shit. It's the king of all foods. It's a must to consume it if you're a person who cares about yourself, mind and body alike. It's apparently a true magic wonder mix.


Research claims Chaga is even preventing and treating cancer and tumours and its boosting your immune system like crazy. It' got high amount of antioxidant and melanin. So I guess my skin, hair and nails are gonna look smoooth in a few weeks..

Oh but you might think what the heck is this Chaga? It’s a mushroom! It's a mushroom growing on birch trees in the wilderness of Skandinavia, North America, Canada and Russia. Its been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. So no doubt there is something too it. Chaga needs boiling in order for us to break down and infuse all the godness into our cells.

Fun fact, we share 50 % of our DNA with Mushrooms...

Tomorrow I'll add in a photo with me and my chagaaaa.

Want to learn more?

So here's a podcast episode from the Model Heath Show you should definitely put on while commuting. The Founder of Foursigmatic will tell you all about the goodness power of Chaga.


You Can Be The Architect Of Your Own Mind

Watch this talk and do consider becoming the master of your own emotions. It's possible, and its way more relaxing. It will fill you with relief and have you wonder why it took so long to get there. You have the power to take effect. Basically all of your reactions and emotions is based on guessing. In real life you literally have no clue what any situation is all about, then why use energy on assumptions and creating false emotions on something completely unnecessary?
Notice her saying "stoically accepting defeat". Here you got me.. I guess people find it a bit weird as I tend to not show too many feelings except from happiness. I'm simply agree to accept it all. I try to manage my energy, thoughts and, time to optimalize well being and wasting both time, thoughts and energy is not on my schedule.

Wanna Laugh & Get Some Smart Imputs? Rick & Morty Put Some Real Outbursts on The Menu.

Mirror mirror on the wall, will you ever show us any meaning at all?
Perhaps this is a frase which you've stumbled upon every now and then or maybe you ponder about it pretty often? I guess it has touched most of our brains at some point. Hasn't it?

Anyhow, we should all know by now that the meaning of our own life we have to create ourselves. There is no special purpose (that we know of this far) or sense of meaning unless we wire our brains to invent it. And to do that you got to accept the meaninglessness there is to it all.

You need to sculpt and cultivate the why of you. I'm sorry to say there is no one that will serve this to you on a silver spoon. So either you'll find it or you'll not. It all depends on your perspective on the world and on your own thoughts. 

Anyways.. Why indulge in depressing existential thoughts which brings you nothing but misery when life is full of stuff to enjoy? Redirecting our minds and start leaving the struggle of looking for a bigger picture behind. Instead, go explore and find important stuff in the things around you.

The underline of the awesome TV series Rick and Morty, which goes far into the portal of philosophy, is all about this. Almost every episode questions existence.
And apparently the message that gets through is that the only meaning there is is the one you'll have to make up yourself together with the people you love. There is no other secret than that.

Rick is the most genius scientist of the whole universe and even he struggles to figure out a reason to stay alive at times which is why he find himself burping alcohol at any time of the day. , But the TV series shows us pretty clear that Rick actually finds meaning in loving, being of service and caring for his family.
This shines through in one touching episodes where he has to risk his life to save Rick. 
That's what I enjoy the most with this show, it spreads awareness of life and deliver meaningful , valuable content which creates thoughts and activate the viewers brain in a subtle, entertaining and funny way.
Definitely worth some of your precious time. Perhaps it'll even teach you something or spark som enlightenment neurons in your mind!

My why I know, cause after observance of my own wellbeing and way of life this make the most sense (of course sometimes I have to pretend that I know it to trick my conscious self to be convinced of that's a fact. Yes indeed life can, or our head can deliver some real shit storms at times but as long as one do not pay too much attention to it, it's fine) it's loving, being of service and caring for others. Deep within I have a wish and I'm on a mission to make the world a better place, even though it's just on a tiny tony scale if that is all I can manage.

Quote from the video (weeell said)

"The only thing more terrifying than not existing or not knowing why you exist is existing and having no one to share it with."

What is your why?
Why do you wake up in the morning?
Where do you find meaning?
What really makes you smile and get a warm sensation?

Well, perhaps not think about it too much either, embrace life and enjoy it.
And really, do NOT take life too seriously. That's my one and only advice.
Really, don't.

And oh, while you're here you really need to check out this mind blowing peace of art, the trailer for Rick & Morty season 3. No words. Or one word actually: TRIPPY.COM


Ok one more video if you're super into it like I am at the moment you probably wanna watch this one as well:

If you are new to the show, you'll find it on Netflix! 

Book of the Month: Essentialism


If you haven't yet heard of the book Essentialism it certainly was about time you did.
I downloaded it yesterday all though one of my very best friends has been throwing it after me for months. I finally picked it up and I now understand why.

Taking a left turn for a few sentences: I believe she has the most helpful library in her home ever existing. She reads all the best books on how to have a life in fulfilment and peace, and how to get on track towards your vision and mission. So I value her recommendations highly. A bit more background info on her: she is one of the best time managers I've ever met in person. She also has three kids and a house, in Stavanger, addition to that she is divorced and have found a new boyfriend in Oslo and on top of that she is an entrepreneur. Her life if all about responsibility. She HAS to be a total pro in this field, like many others also need to, but the only difference, she manages to do it, on point. I respect her profoundly and she is one of my go to friends for advice and support. She is a huge inspiration source and the mist kind and joyful woman I know. How does she do it? Well, practice and reading a lot, and of course worshiping the book Essentialism, and now I totally understand why. If you'd like to learn more about how she does it and what she do You need to check her out actually, Siri Abrahamsen. Oh well this suddenly became a blogpost where I honor my dear friend but so be it and so while I'm at it you could also check out the Ingefær podcast where she guested some months a go. She is on a mission to spread the awareness of and build emotional intelligence amongst us. Which is highly needed in our time being. She mainly focus on kids and their parents but also work B2B and has written 3 books with the 4th and 5th on the way. Her main focus is how to create great relationships, with yourself, partner, family, kids, colleagues, friends. If you start follow her, you'll learn a lot on how to live a happier and more peaceful life. She is one of the most mentally wise people I know. And I'm lucky to have her as a friend and guide! In a way she is this book that I am talking about. It has become the core of all her choices and actions in life. She is super conscious about her time and what she use it for. And I believe this is the way we all should live to lead a life full of content and no stress.

Ok, so back to the book. Essentialism. What this book is all about is how to do this. How to actually adopt Siris mentality and how to implement it into actions in your daily life. It's all about asking yourself the right questions. The book starts with the author telling his story and what catalysed it. He hit the tipping point when he, as embarrassingly it was, rushed from the hospital where his wife just gave birth to their child simply to go to a meeting which nothing came out of but negativity. He lost his integrity and respect at work and at home that day.  From that point he understood he had reached rock bottom. I believe this might be the case for many people these days. Saying yes to everything with the feeling of not really be able to manage anything at all and the feeling of that hanging over them constantly. Always disappointing oneself and mirroring this feeling in managers, co-workers and family members. Divorces even happen because of unavailability to manage their time correctly. If you feel like one of these people you need to start reading this book asap, and if you are like me that just want to be more aware of how putting the tools into words so to being able to guide others properly this is also a book for you, and if you are simply curious on this way of thinking, read it!!! Let me know what you think. I guess that when I finished the book I'll add some more content to this post.

Stop stressing and start living. There is nothing more important than living with content and calmness in the now. There is nothing more important than being happy with your life right here right now. As long as you're moving forward, no matter how fast or slow, it's a success. Health and wellbeing in this very moment is what to cherish. Base all your actions and thoughts on this. 
And ask yourself what truly matters.

What are the trade-offs by me doing this?
How many people do I help by using my time on this?
What really matters? 
What really makes me happy?
What makes me smile?
What give me the sense of wellbeing, in which mindset and situation is this?
What would happen if I could figure out the one thing I could do at work that would make the highest contribution?
All these questions and more are SO important to ask yourself to map out your road to a better and healthy life for yourself and those around you. All your relationships will get better when this is on the right track.

This is also the core of my life. This is what makes me do whatever I do in life. Sometimes I of course wish I could accomplish and move in a faster pace more but when I think about how I'd feel if I felt constantly in a rush it's not a positive answer. So.. I'm rather happy with moving in my own pace and not comparing myself to everyone else. I need to be calm and stay happy, smile and laugh a lot. And I only do that when I follow my core belief. So.. Lots of things need to be sacrificed but the most important things are worshiped and cultivated by living this way. So mission accomplished. I think so.

"If you don't prioritise your life, someone else will."


Foods That Resemble The Body Parts They're Good For

Wait, what?

Perhaps you've never thought or never even heard about this before, that there exists foods in nature that mirror the body parts they provide nutrients for? Or perhaps you've heard some mentions here and there about walnuts being good for the brain but never really had your curiosity triggered into indulging in the wisdom of earths magic?
There is all this forgotten/hidden yet essential information about our existence and mother nature that we never learn anything about while growing up... Such wisdom, such knowledge, all lost. Gone.

Anyhow, I find it extremely fascinating that some of the food growing right next to us actually look like our organs and not only that, the organ that the food resemble happens to be beneficial to this exact organ. Wait what? 
I must say, after my opinion, nature is simply way too perfect to be random. Don't you think? Seems like someone is trying to give us a message. No?
Is it really such a simple message that we're apparently too ignorant to receive it?

Well, I thought I'd write about this topic cause I'd like to put everything I've ever learned about that topic in one place and memorise it. It's handy to know, then you get a sense of what to eat to strengthen the different body parts, and perhaps this time I will actually remember to eat accordingly? 
I also find it in my duty to spread this knowledge as it seems not too many people out there are aware of this. Neither Youtube nor the web is flowing with videos or articles on knowledge. No words. Oh wait? Is it because of the food industry? Or the pharmaceutical industry? We won't know for sure but something is quite odd about this.

Though these healthy foods are beneficial to the whole body, the list below is a fun reminder of what to eat to target specific areas


Carrots. If you examine a slice a carrot you can avoid seeing that it looks quite like a human eye.
And, according to science, eating carrots greatly enhances blood flow to the eyes. Carrot gets their orange color from a plant chemical called beta-carotene, which reduces the risk of developing cataracts. The chemical also protects against macular degeneration an age-related sight problem that affects one in four individuals over the age of 65.


A Tomato has four chambers and is red in color. Our heart can be described the same. It's red and has four chambers. Research has confirmed that tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and it is indeed pure heart and blood food.


Grapes resembles our lungs. The lungs are made of branches of ever-smaller airways that finish up with tiny branches of tissue called alveoli. These structures allow oxygen to pass from the lungs to the blood stream. A diet high in fresh grapes has shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. Grape seeds also contain a chemical called proanthocyanidin, which is thought to reduce the severity of asthma triggered by allergy.


Grapefruits, Oranges, and other citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts. The similarity between round citrus fruits––like lemons and grapefruit––and breasts may be more than coincidental. "Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to inhibit the development of cancer in lab animals and in human breast cells," says Dr. Moulavi.


Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries. An Italian study found that women whose diets included a lot of olive oil had a 30% lower risk of ovarian cancer. The reasons are unclear, but the healthy fats in the oil may help suppress genes predisposed to causing cancer.


Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Studies have shown that Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the sperm count as well as overcoming male sterility.


Avocados and Pears are good for the health and functioning of the womb and cervix of the female and look just like these organs. Modern research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances the birth hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and can even prevent cervical cancer. It even takes exactly nine months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit, just like a human baby! There are said to be over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods.


Celery, Rhubarb, Bok-choy and more look just like bones structure. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are made up of 23% sodium and these foods have sodium in them. If you don’t have enough sodium in your diet the body pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.


A Walnut certainly looks like a little brain with a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are similar to those of the neo-cortex. Scientists claim that walnuts help in developing over three dozen neuron-transmitters within the brain enhancing the signaling and encouraging new messaging link between the brain cells. Walnuts help warding off dementia. They also extract and break down the protein based plaques associated with Alzheimer’s diseases, according to a study by Dr. James Joseph of Tuft University in Boston.


Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function by providing a variety of minerals and vitamins. All though, a catch I find odd is that if your kidneys are diseased, you actually might need to moderate your intake of kidney beans.


Sweet Potatoes resemble the pancreas and can actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics. The oblong sweet potato bears a strong resemblance to the pancreas, and also promotes healthy function in the organ. Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, which is a potent antioxidant that protects all tissues of the body, including the pancreas, from damage associated with cancer or aging.


Onions look like our body's cells. Research shows onions clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. 


Ginger looks like the stomach and it also aids in digestion. Indians and Chinese have been using it for over 5000 years to calm stomach and cure nausea, and motion sickness. It also slows down the growth rate of bowel tumors


A Mushrooms when sliced in half resembles the shape of the human ear. Mushrooms improve hearing abilities, since they contain Vitamin D, which is healthy for bones, especially the 3 tiny bones in the ear that transmit sound to the brain.


Broccoli believe it or not but it actually looks like cancer cells. A team of researchers at US National Cancer Institute found if a weekly serving of broccoli was enough to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 45%..


Ginseng root looks like a human body, and it is a holistic cure for almost everything.


Red wine, what does it look like? Blood. Wine is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, including powerful resveratrol. And this apparently loads up on the healthy stuff that protects against destructive things in the blood, like LDL cholesterol. There's also a blood-thinning compound in red wine, so it reduces blood clots, which are associated with stroke and heart disease. 


Week in Review - 13th of August

News and content I've come across for the past week that I find sharable  :))

Climate change and airflights 

Climate change and airflights 

This week I did something that felt really meaningful, I helped create a successful technology summer camp for 13-16 girls. There were more than 100 of them and I helped on a workshop on how to create a facebook bot. They were really excited all of them and had a great day empowering feelings of mastery. This might help create a movement. TENK is the organisation behind the initiative and I really hope it will just continue to grow. More females with tech & science knowledge is just what the worlds need. It's time to change the status quo.
This week I read somewhere this week that Norway has gotten 20 % more rainy. Wtf? Well, so people that doesn't believe in global warming could go kiss someone's ..... he he. Norway is going to continue getting more and more wet and even colder.. Believe it or not.
Click here if you'd like to read some more about possible outcomes..
Also interesting; hot weather and climate change affects airline flights more than you think.

Anyways, whats up this week?


Elon Musk's nonprofit AI company, OpenAI,  has successfully created a Bot that has beaten some of the world's greatest esport, Dota 2 players. The game is much more complex than chess or Go, and the bot's ability to win is indicative of the increasing power of AI systems. READ MORE



Amazon Alexa can now communicate with an exosceleton.

Bionik Laboratories has demonstrated a prototype of its Arke lower-body exoskeleton that can be controlled via Amazon’s voice assistant, Alexa.
Its in prototype at the moment but it already has a huge potential, from assisting the elderly and disabled +++.


Mind-controlled VR game finally a thing! All though it may be a while yet before we can harness telekinetic powers in real life, but now a brain-controlled virtual-reality game is aiming to let us use our mind to pick up and throw items with ease. Read more about the invention by the startup Neurable here


Robots can take all forms and shapes. I love these animal like creatures.




A biotech company genetically is engineering pigs so that their organs might work in people.
There is a huge lack in organs and loads of people die every day while on the waiting list to get one.. Until we can 3D print our own tailor made organs getting organs from the pigs might be a good in between solution, all though I'm not pro using animals for any humanish things. 

CRISPR, I LOVE IT. We are on our way to a periode of wellness, where illness certainly do not exists. CRISPR technology is a simple yet powerful tool for editing genomes. It allows researchers to easily alter DNA sequences and modify gene function. In the future you will basically be able to use it to tweak everything in your body. Watch the video below on super bakteria. Here you can also check out 11 things CRISPR has helped us do in 2017.


The worlds largest floating solar power station is made in Japan. It was actually fully up and running in 2015.

Stretchable electronics.
As I always say the future is mind bending and also material bending (!) apparently.

Transparent Solar Panels
These solar panels are game changing. Please make no new windows without them!!!! That should soon become a rule.



China just used a quantum satellite to send data from space to earth.
"China just sent data to Earth from space using a quantum satellite. This successful use of quantum cryptography could make data unhackable, in a huge world first for cybersecurity and a major step toward realizing their global quantum network plans.
This technology could have huge implications in cybersecurity. Businesses would be safer online, and e-commerce would be free of problems caused by hacking and identity theft. The tech would also make it far more difficult for governments to spy on private communications — something that global leaders and agencies around the world have a vested interest in." Futurism
Quantum computing. Damn it, so beautifully amazing!

Scientists just hacked a computer using DNA. Wtf!?
"In what appears to be the first successful hack of a software program using DNA, researchers say malware they incorporated into a genetic molecule allowed them to take control of a computer used to analyze it... .. The researchers warn that hackers could one day use faked blood or spit samples to gain access to university computers, steal information from police forensics labs, or infect genome files shared by scientists.  " - MIT

Bitcoin has surpassed another milestone by reaching worth of more than $4,000. Many are still optimistic about the currency's future. I've invested in Etherum and I feel pretty good about it. The ROI has raised from 1500 to 9200. The highest amount it has reached so far was almost 12k. Not to bad right? :D


Week In Review - 30th of July

This week I visited Madrid, and you know what, it actually went beyond my expectations. (Read my blogpost about it here) Thanks, Madrid for giving me such a pleasant surprise. I've never been too fond of Spanish language either.. but now.. I happen to like it a tiny tony bit more. You know whats rather weird? When I came home I chose to watch Netflix to relax a bit, and first Tv series I came about was a show called Cable Girls, about the Suffragettes in 1920s. But to my confusion the sync was out of order, but that was right before I realised that the original story was in Spanish and the location of the story was Madrid. Wtf? Spain was following me? Anyways, I ended up binging the whole season. So beautiful and capturing story and deep stories within the main story too. All about human relations and that everyone has their own struggles. Also, the main characters are girls. YES! You should definitely check it out.. And uh, a side note: did you know Netflix is carrying 20 billion dollars in depth? I really hope it will survive because the Original Tvseries they're making is getting better and better.


So what's been up in science and tech this week?



The Musk-Zuck Clash
Elon Musk says Mark Zuckerberg’s understanding of the future of AI is ‘limited’
In a Facebook Live broadcast, Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, offered a respons. He called Musk a “naysayer” and accused his doomsday fears of unnecessary negativity. Musk then retorted on Twitter: “I’ve talked to Mark about this. His understanding of the subject is limited.” Tech titans protecting their brands?

Google Has Started Adding Imagination to Its DeepMind AI. Researchers have started developing artificial intelligence with imagination, an AI that can reason through decisions and make plans for the future, without human instructions

Another way to put it, it can now imagine the consequences of actions before taking them, something we take for granted but which is much harder for robots to do.
Read more on Futurism

Facebook kills AI that invented its own language because English was slow.
If I was an super intelligent AI trying to communicated certain serious topics I'd probably do the same. Human language are way too poetic, complicated and fragmented to do critical work with. Its limited. Digital Journal reported this.



The first known attempt at creating genetically modified human embryos in the United States has been carried out by a team of researchers in Portland.

Scientists have converted cancer cells into immune cells. This could lead to a new type of treatment, called differentiation therapy.



The Biggest Facial Recognition System in the World Is Rolling Out in China
Uh-uh..  the government officials in China are taking the technology even further by installing a nationwide system of facial recognition infrastructure. I guess lots of people will say, but what about my freedom and privacy rights? Well, I'm sorry.. But I think, in a way this might be useful and great but also it will definitely be learning curve for every nation to watch and takes note from. 


Elon Musk shares footage of The Boring Company’s first working car elevator. I really hope its not too many years until this network is up and running. Getting the traffic beneath the ground will upgrade the city of angels immensely.




Why I Am Vegan

Lots of people become vegan because they feel sorry for the animals. Me? Because I cherish my body too much and want to stay well and live as long as I possibly can (next to caring for the planet and animals of course)
I didn't even consider going vegan, it just happened. Due to allergies and stomach problems I was forced to change my eating habits 8 years ago. Animal milk, gluten and sugar had to leave my diet. To begin with it was such a struggle, cause I was used to eat yoghurt, lots of cheese and bread. Yes that typical Norwegian way of eating. But after a few weeks I started to get to know my body, I got this connection I never experienced, it started to tell me what it needed and what I should stay away from. Before I had just eaten everything and thought that feeling bloated and sick was how it was supposed to be. Like just 10 years ago the ignorance when it came to food was super high, its even lots of ignorance today but then.. gluten allergy? Milk allergi? Wtf is that? My dad, which is a doctor, didn't even believe that I could be intolerant to gluten and milk, that was too alien info for him. But what started to happen was that my body start telling me that all animal products wasn't good for me, I started to eat plant based and felt sick just if I ate some pieces of dead animals. I felt heavy, tired, foggy and my digestion became worse every time. So why should I continue eating it when health was not optimal? And the less I started eating it the better I felt both mentally and physically. I had energy, strength and clearity like never before, how come I hadn't done this yeaaars ago? I actually to be honest had abstinence for three weeks when I quit animal products, which I thought was crazy. How can something be healthy when I crave it like a drug? It did not at all feel good, and had me thinking even more about how this must be just a big joke forced upon us by society and big brands wanting to earn money. Yes, people argue that we always have been eating that, but as hunters we were never were able to catch a prey every day and eat in such huge amounts that we do today, perhaps we got met every once in a while but several times a day, no. And we had no choice but to eat it because there were not much else but now, we can access all of the worlds options of food just 500 meters a way to the closest grocery store. We can get all the vitamins and minerals we need from countless food items. Plants, fruits, nuts in abundance. Why should we then stick to meat who doesn't feed us with all the essentials of vitamins and minerals we need? Doesn't make sense. We live in a time of luxury, with a preventive pharmacy next door. Lets just start in that end of the circle right? Not actually eat meat and then having to go to the "real" business pharmacy to get drugs??

The environmental benefits of being vegan means a lot to me as well. Not only is it bad for our health but also for our planet. How come we do it? Such a fucked up species just thinking about ourselves in the moment. 

The movie "What the health" give us an accurate picture on whats going on, you should definitely watch it and perhaps consider being of service to yourself and the world?

Why not leave a legacy, make an impact and stay well? What the Health is the best documentary on this topic so far and leading scientists within this field are featured. Watch trailer below.

But first of all you should watch this, more than worth 15 min of your time.

Let me know what you think?

Why We Eat Meat

Do you ever reflect on why you do the things you do?

Whenever I see or think about meat, I see dead animals and I think to my self, I shall certainly not be a grave yard and I certainly shall not contribute to suffering of neither animals nor our planet which is what the entire meat industry does, every second. Almost 1 million animals are slaughtered every minute. Wtf?

I'd rather be of service to earth, I already am a huge burden, so when I actually have the possibility to choose for the better, I will do so.

This video is worth your time.

Could A Higher Meaning Be Our Cure?

I respect Jason Silva(modern philosopher) a lot and have watched most of his shots of awe videos. If you haven't already time has come to do so. He talks about many interesting and relevant topics in a poetic visual way. In this video he talks about the power of our brain, that if one let the negative patterns win it can kill you.

800,000 commit suicide every year. Which is 800,000 too many. More people die like this than in natural disasters and war combined. What is going on?
What I am thinking is that purpose must be missing. But how to find your inner higher meaning? It's way too difficult for many people. We don't even learn about tools on how to find it, except in religion of course but for most people, that's not an option.
It's for sure difficult but you have to create it, you can trick yourself into anything, even that you are not valuable enough and should commit suicide, when you are just like the person of value next to you who doesn't take it, then why do you then have do?

How can we solve this?

Purpose. Higher Meaning.

Week in Review - 4th of June

The world is bananas, even though we live in one of the best times in history and loads of great things are happening, there still is some crazy shit going on. There is always someone who just wants to mess up. Another terrorist attack happened Saturday evening in London... wtf? Just ten days has gone by since the Manchester attack (btw tonight there is the memorial concert with Bieber etc..) 7 dead and 48 wounded. I guess ISIS soon will claim the attack. Gooood, seriously. Wtf. As I write this I'm watching the memorial concert Arianna Grande put together. She is a great girl, going back to Manchester and bringing top pop artists with her, Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Pharell Williams etc. Its a beautiful concert full of love.
Not only that but this week Trump just decided to pull out of the Paris Agreement. Seriously, I have to laugh.. Out.. LOUD. At least Elon Musk made it clear that he no longer wants to be seen in the white house no more.. 

So what else exciting has happened?



NASA’s First Mission to Touch the Sun Launches in 2018
Parker Solar Probe will be sent into the corona of the sun, NASA hopes to get some answers on why the corona, the top layer of the sun's gaseous atmosphere (visible only during a solar eclipse), hotter than its surface?



This is so inspiring and should definitely considered asap from other world leaders too.
India will only sell electric cars by 2030!

Poor air quality kills 1.2 million people in India every year, so clearly they finally had to do something.



These Color-Changing Tattoos Monitor Your Health, No Wearable Needed

A ban on human/animal genetic hybrids was just lifted. What if an animal is born with humanlike consciousness and intelligence? Wont let that happen will we?


The worlds smallest hard drive is a single atom..!



Is it time to redefine work yet!? 
A growing number of people think their job is useless according to world economic forum. So, what is work anyway?

A new internet is already on its way

When will we be able to manipulate matter?